Q.1 The maximum area of tension reinforcement in beams
shall not exceed?
Ans. 4%
Ans. 4%
Q. 2 What is the tallest man made structure in the
is the best man made construction in the world. Its height is 2063 feet.
And The
another one is Burj Dubai. Its height is 800 meter.
Q.3 How we can measure the concrete?
Ans. Cubic Feet, Cubic Yard and Cubic Meter are the three
method which are used to measure the concrete size.
Q. 4 What is braced excavation all about?
Ans. Excavation are braced to reduce the cave-in of surrounding
unstable soil. It is useful to confirm the strength of the basement.
Q. 5 What do you understand by aggregate?
Ans. To resist the compression stress of a composite
material,an special component is used This special component is known as
Q.6 what is meant by shearing strain?
Ans. Shearing strain is defined as the change in right angle of a body , measured in radians due to applied shear stress
A condition in or deformation of an elastic body caused by forces that tend to produce an opposite but parallel sliding motion of the body's planes.
A measure of angular distortion also directly measurable, but not as easily as axial strain.
Shear strain is defined as angular change at some point in a shape.
Ans. Shearing strain is defined as the change in right angle of a body , measured in radians due to applied shear stress
A condition in or deformation of an elastic body caused by forces that tend to produce an opposite but parallel sliding motion of the body's planes.
A measure of angular distortion also directly measurable, but not as easily as axial strain.
Shear strain is defined as angular change at some point in a shape.
Q.7 What is meant by Poisson ratio?
Ans. Poisson's ratio, named after Siméon Poisson, is the negative ratio of transverse to axial strain. When a material is compressed in one direction, it usually tends to expand in the other two directions perpendicular or parallel to the direction of flow.
Ans. Poisson's ratio, named after Siméon Poisson, is the negative ratio of transverse to axial strain. When a material is compressed in one direction, it usually tends to expand in the other two directions perpendicular or parallel to the direction of flow.
Q.8 What are the various methods of concrete curing?
Ans. The way of Maintaining the moisture and temperature in the fresh wall is known as cunning. It is performed for a small duration of time to allow the hardening of concrete.
Steps are given below:-1 Spray of water on walls.
2 Wet covering of surface.
3 Pounding4 Steam curing
5 Application of curing compounds.
Q. 9 What are the steps involved in concreting process?
Ans. (A) Batching.....It is the process of measurement of the different materials for making the concrete. There are generally two ways of batching...
1 Volume Batching
2 Weight Batching
(B) Mixing.....For making a good mixing the materials should be mixed first in dry condition and then in wet condition.
(C) Transportation and Placing of concrete...After mixing the concrete the next step is to place it to its final location as soon as possible. Mixing should be done nearby place to reduce transportation.
(D) Compaction of Concrete....When concrete is placed it may have some air bubbles entrapped in it. It may be a case of reduction of strength by 30%. Hence compaction is done to reduce or eleminate this problem.
Q. 10 Why should pumping not be used in case of concrete work?
Ans. In pumping operation fluid exert pressure on the contact surface of pipes, this pressure must be overcome the friction between the contact surface of pipes and concrete. The weight of concrete is also overcome by this pressure when concrete is placed over the pumping pipe. As we know that only water is pump able, hence all the pressures generated by water are in concrete..Segregation and bleeding are the main effect generated in this system due to pumping to reduce these effect, the proportion of cement is increased in order to increase the cohesion., and as a result it leads to the reduction of segregation and bleeding.
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